Stock trading, mutual funds, global funds, IPOs, everything from a single platform.
A Mutual Fund Is A Type Of Professionally-Managed Collective Investment Scheme That Pools The Savings Of A Number Of Investors Who Share A Common Financial Goal. The Money Thus Collected Is Then Invested In Capital Market Instruments Such As Shares, Debentures And Other Securities. The Income Earned Through These Investments And The Capital Appreciation Realised Are Shared By Its Unit Holders In Proportion To The Number Of Units Owned By Them. Thus A Mutual Fund Is The Most Suitable Investment For The Common Man As It Offers An Opportunity To Invest In A Diversified, Professionally Managed Basket Of Securities At A Relatively Low Cost.
Media Buzz and Awards Galore: Our Journey
Establishment Of Company
Commencement of NSE cash market trading
Created Equity Research cell HOTSHOTS-catalyst for wealth creation
Set up 8 branches through NSE VSAT system
Depository Participant of NSDL for shares
Futures & Options Trading
Futures & Options Trading cum Clearing Membership
Created its own VPN System based on VSAT, Lease Lines, DSL, MLDN. Started application based Internet Trading
Farsight became member of NCDEX & MEX, Depository participant of NSDL for commodities.
Expanded globally by acquiring membership of DGCX
Became member of Bombay Stock Exchange(BSE)
Started Browser Based Internet Trading with funds & securities on line transfer gateways. Became clearing member of BSE for future segments.
Depository Paticipant (DP) of Central Depository Services India Ltd.(CDSL)
Currency Future Segment of NSE activated
NOW-now software for online trading launched