
Farsight Awards


  • Dr. Naresh Maheshwari (Chairman Farsight)

    Dr. Naresh Maheshwari (Chairman Farsight) represented Indian Capital Market before World Bank / IMF officials – Ms. Ana Fiorella Carvajal, is a Senior Financial Sector Expert at World Bank Group, Washington, District Of Columbia Capital Markets, in Mumbai under financial sector appraisal programme.

  • Development vs Displacement

    “Development vs Displacement” a programme by Economic Cell-BJP. Shri N.C.Maheshwari (National President ANMI) & (Chairman of Farsight Group) represent ANMI as a GUEST SPEAKER on Tuesday, 7th June, 2011 at Shri Sathya Sai Auditorium, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003..

  • FELICITATION of our National President Dr. Naresh Maheshwari, ANMI (Chairman of Farsight Group) dated 29th April 2011.

    FELICITATION of our National President Dr. Naresh Maheshwari, ANMI (Chairman of Farsight Group) dated 29th April 2011.

  • 5th anmiseminar.html International Convention On – Future of the financial market

    A discussion to unravel enrapture and analyst the recent developments of the Capital Market to suggest reforms in vital policies and to predict future possibilities. By masters from global financial sector – 10April 2010 at ITC SONAR Kolkata.
    Dr. Naresh Maheshwari represent ANMI

  • National Conclave on – Corporate Governance Voluntary guidelines – 2009

    A SUMMIT ON CORPORATE SECTOR to Achieve the highest Standard of Corporate Governance. 30th July 2010 at ASSOCHAM HOUSE New Delhi
    Dr. Naresh Maheshwari represent ANMI

  • Anmiseminar on " Algorithm Trading –Problems & Solutions " and " CRM Adoption in Securities & Wealth Management

    10th December, 2010 at at ASSOCHAM HOUSE New Delhi.
    Dr. Naresh Maheshwari , ANMI

  • International Convention On - India Emerging Commodity HUB

    “A Plat form for all commodity Particiants to learn and to exchange dialogue to explore the issues pertaining to commodity market. Dr. Naresh Maheshwari given a legendry Article ” Discovery of Golden Sparrow in India through vibrant market. 15th September 2010. New Delhi


    A forum to Discussion on Current situation of Securities Market in Asia and the future development of Asia region, Focus on the theme of impetus for Asian Capital Market in the aftermath of Global Financial Crisis, The recovery path of Asian Economy etc..
    27-30th Sep 2010 at Beijing Chaina
    Dr. Naresh Maheshwari represent ANMI

  • Anmiseminar on Arbitration Procedures & Investor Grievances & DELL Enterprises Server & Storage Solutions

    15th January 2011, Delhi Stock Exchange , New Delhi.
    Dr. Naresh Maheshwari represent ANMI